If you’ve ever needed to really lean into stretches, a good way to do so might be to enhance your yoga experience with a bit of CBD or even cannabis. CBD won’t get you high, but it will definitely give your muscles a deeper stretch, while THC will give you a great body high that will make you more aware of your movements. The combination of the two seems to be the case so much so that yoga establishments around Los Angeles have sprung up offering classes that cater to cannabis use. In Los Angeles, there are several that combine cannabis use with yoga.

Higher Self Yoga is one such establishment. They require medical cards until prop 64 goes into effect but offer odorless vape pens to those with cards. Class goers are encouraged to bring comfortable clothes, a yoga mat, towels and a water bottle, just like in a regular class. And as with any time smoking, it’s important to maintain your own level of awareness in terms of how much you’re consuming.

Dee Dussault’s Ganja Yoga is a popular yoga class that incorporates marijuana as well. She also offer sex coaching, teach training and private and group retreats. You can follow them on Instagram here. Dee also has podcasts and certifies teachers through her own programs.

Goda Yoga in Culver City is another place to check out. LA Weekly released an article that walked readers through the author’s experience of taking the class. Tess Barker describes the class as welcoming. The class starts with a THC ceremony during which everyone introduces themselves and includes everyone from parents with their grown children to regular weed smokers new to yoga, as well as the opposite… practiced yogis experiencing their first class while stoned.

A few ways in which combining weed and yoga works is that it allows you to get ‘into the zone’ more quickly. Where it might take a few minutes of concentration and deep breathing without weed, whereas with weed, it’s fast. The auditory environment becomes more important as well. You may also find yourself becoming more graceful thanks to the enhanced mind-body connection. And because you’re more in touch with your body, it’s likely that you won’t push yourself further than you can handle.

While it may not be a practice that’s appropriate for every time you want to exercise, once in a while might end up being great.

Posted by:sophia460

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